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Abilene, Dallas

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Project Details


December 7, 2015


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ThemeFusion Company

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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas.

Bespoke Maintenance, a Baeumler Approved company

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Baeumler Approved cleaning and maintenance services for you

Bespoke Maintenance is a professional, Baeumler Approved cleaning and maintenance company that provides custom cleaning, maintenance and home ownership services in the Mississauga, Oakville, Burlington and Toronto areas. Bryan Baeumler has established a very successful business based on an unwavering commitment to quality work and honesty with clients. All Baeumler Approved members strive to represent the same philosophy. The goal with Baeumler Approved is to ensure quality and consistency in order to maintain a superior level of service. Baeumler Approved members are vetted extensively to ensure a history of quality work. They require active WSIB and Insurance and members are required to sign a code of conduct, which is based on Bryan’s principles. All Baeumler Approved members must adhere to Bryan's code of conduct:[checklist icon="check" iconcolor="#ffffff" circle="yes"]

  • Treat customers and homeowners with courtesy and respect.
  • Provide written quotes that are reasonable, honest, and fair.
  • Communicate project status to the customer on a timely basis.
  • Complete work to a professional standard.
  • Comply with all federal, provincial/state and municipal by-laws and regulations.
  • Provide employees with training required to ensure a safe working environment.
  • Maintain insurance and comply with all health and safety regulations.
  • Maintain a clean, safe workspace and respect the property of the homeowner.
  • Always use a certified professional when and where applicable.

[/checklist] To learn more about the vetting process for Baeumler Approved members, we encourage you to visit the Baeumler Approved website at to learn more. To learn more about Bespoke Maintenance and our services, please select your category below to see how we can start helping you today! [one_half last="no"]

Home Owners

Custom cleaning, maintenance and home ownership services to help protect you, your family and your home.
[button link="" color="darkgray" size="large" target="_self" title="Bespoke Services for my home" gradient_colors="" gradient_hover_colors="" border_width="" border_color="" text_color="" shadow="" animation_type="" animation_direction="" animation_speed=""]Help Me Now[/button]
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Property Managers

Custom cleaning, maintenance and repair services to help you look after the properties you manage.
[button link="" color="darkgray" size="large" target="_self" title="Cleaning and Maintenance Services for Property Managers" gradient_colors="" gradient_hover_colors="" border_width="" border_color="" text_color="" shadow="" animation_type="" animation_direction="" animation_speed=""]Learn More[/button]
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